Discover our projects and how we are contributing to the community and the environment.
On June 30th 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 2 crore 10 lakh ruppess to NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad. This amount will be used solely to setup an epilepsy treatment facility as well as a creche facility at NIMS. The epilepsy treatment facility is set to significantly have a life-changing impact on over 250 children living in the area every single day. In collaboration with NIMS Hospital and the Lake District of Moinabad Rotary Club, the Premier Foundation has purchased 17 machines to aid the treatment of children in Hyderabad.
On 26th March, 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 17 lakh ruppess for establishing an 18KWp Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Grid Connected Power Plant at the SriBanta Govt High School School in Jaipur, Odisha, India with an aim to supply uninterrupted power to the smart classroom program of the school for facilitating the education of its students.
On 29th March, 2024, the Premier Foundation contributed ruppees 6 lakhs 50 thousand to Sri Sathya Sai Health and Education Trust for the surgical treatment of Congenital Heart Disease in children at 3 Sri Sathy Sai Sanjeevani Centres functioning in Atalnagar, Nava Raipur, Chhatisgarh; Palwal, Haryana and Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The Premier Foundation donated upwards of 1 lakh 40 thousand to Akal Academies during fiscal year 2023-24 for supporting the organization and facilitating the education of underprivileged children studying at Akal Academies in rural nort Indian villages.
On March 1st, 2024, the Premier Foundation donated 3 lakh ruppess to the betterment of marginilized roadside hawkers in Andhra Pradesh. In collaboration with the Lake District of Moinabad Rotary Club, these indiviuals were provided 100 pushcarts each of which had a solar lamp attached worth ruppess 3000 (3000 * 100 = 3 Lakhs) provided by the Premier Foundation. The objective of the project was to improve their lives by providing them with essential tools and resources to obtain a better quality of life.
On June 30th 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 2 crore ruppess to NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad. This amount will be used solely to setup a creche facility as well as an epilepsy treatment facility on the premises of NIMS. The creche facility established in collaboration with NIMS Hospital and the Lake District of Moinabad Rotary Club has a capacity to house between 100 and 200 children at once and is set to have a substantial impact on the lives of parents and children in the area that are able to use this facility free of charge. To live track the usage of this facility the Premier Foundation has also set up a creche dashboard in order to ensure that the facility is fulfilling its purpose of helping children and parents in Hyderabad.
The Premier Foundation donated 1 lakh 50 thousand in order to grant a number of scholarhsips, and reimburse hostel fees for underprivileged children in the state of Karnataka.
The Premier Foundation donated nearly 1 lakh 50 thousand ruppees to cover the education costs of underprivileged children studying at the Kalgidhar Society by sponsoring the school fees for various children.
In collaboration with the Redcross society, the Premier Foundation donated 5 lakh ruppees in order to distribute a tremendous amount of food at Tirupati.
The Premier Foundation donated 60,000 ruppees to an orphanage managed by Care Warrior by donating useful kits to the children at the orphanage as well as providing a nutritious and heart one-day meal.
The Premier Foundation donated a lumpsum amount of 10 lakh ruppees to the Swarg Vatika Trust in order to facilitate the setting up of their diagnostic centre. The trust also recognized Chairman of Premier Energies, Surender Pal Singh as a Donor Cum Trustee.
The Premier Foundation donated an astounding 11 lakh ruppess to the Telanagna Sikh Society in order to assist the community in providing subsidized education and treatment for the underprivileged.
The Premier Foundation donated 5 lakh ruppess to the Guru Nanak Mission Trust in order to support the underprivileged section of society by providing educational assistance, skill development, and other vocational activities.
The Premier Foundation donated 2 lakh rupppess to the Women, Chilren, Disabled and Senior Citizen Department of the Government of Telangana to provide education support to an orphan named "Kum" who tragically lost both his parents to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Premier Fundation donated 2 lakh 50 thousand ruppess to the Andhra Mahila Sabha in order to help set up a advanced Cardiac Care Center at Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital in Hyderabad. The facility consists of 13 Intensive care, 7 intermediate care, 6 post-cath care, and 6-CT surgical intensive care units along with floor beds and rooms. The centre offers non-invasive laboratory (ECG, Echo, Treadmill Stress Testing, Dobutamine Stress Echo, Holter, Ambulatory Blood Pressure monitoring, Table Tilt Test, Ankle Brachial Index, Foot exam system etc) services, 24/7 Cath lab services, and Point of care diagnostic services.